

题    目:光环境与大豆发育调控

主讲人:刘斌 研究员

时  间:2016年7月28日(周四)下午14:30起

地   点:国家大豆改良中心会议室(理科F413


刘斌,男,1979年生,研究员,博导,国家优青。2008年3月毕业于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,获遗传学博士学位;2008年4月于加州大学洛杉矶分校做博士后研究;2010年10月就职于中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,主要研究方向为光环境与作物发育调控。主持国家自然科学基金优青、面上、国家重点研发计划、国际合作等项目。近年来以通讯作者或第1作者在Gene & Development, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Current Biology, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Molecular Plant等期刊上发表学术论文十余篇。获得专利15项、北京市科学技术二等奖1项。先后获得“中科院院长特别奖”、“中国农科院杰出青年奖”、“中国作物学会青年科技奖”等奖励;入选科技部创新人才推进计划。
1. Zhang CY, Liu J, Zhao T, Gomez A, Li C, Yu CS, Li HY, Lin JZ, Yang YZ, Liu B*(通讯作者), Lin CT.(2016). A drought-inducible bZIP Transcription Factor OsABF1 Delays Reproductive Timing in Rice. Plant Physiology 171:334-343
2. Zhao T, Liu J, Li HY, Lin JZ, Bian MD, Zhang CY, Zhang YX, Peng YC, Liu B*(通讯作者), and Lin CT. (2015). Using hybrid transcription factors to study gene function in rice. Sci China Life Sci DOI 10.1007/s11427-015-4937-x
3. Yang D, Zhao, W, Meng, Y, Li, H, and Liu, B *(通讯作者). (2015). A CIB1-LIKE transcription factor GmCIL10 from soybean positively regulates plant flowering. Sci China Life Sci 58, 261-269.
4. Zhang Z, Ji R, Li H, Zhao T, Liu J, Lin C, and Liu B *(通讯作者). (2014). CONSTANS-LIKE 7 (COL7) is Involved in Phytochrome B (phyB) Mediated Light-Quality Regulation of Auxin Homeostasis. Mol Plant. 7: 1429–1440
5. Meng Y, Li H, Wang Q, Liu B* (通讯作者), Lin C. (2013) Blue Light-Dependent Interaction between Cryptochrome2 and CIB1 Regulates Transcription and Leaf Senescence in Soybean. Plant Cell 25:4405-4420
6. Wang H, Zhang Z, Li H, Zhao X, Liu X, Ortiz M, Lin C, and Liu, B*(通讯作者).(2013)CONSTANS-LIKE 7 regulates branching and shade avoidance response in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot 64: 1017-1024.
7. Zuo Z, Meng Y, Yu X, Zhang Z, Feng D, Sun S, Liu B*(通讯作者), Lin C. (2012) A Study of the Blue-Light-Dependent Phosphorylation, Degradation, and Photobody Formation of Arabidopsis CRY2. Mol Plant 5: 200-207.
8. Zhong X, Dai X, Xv J, Wu H, Liu B*(共通讯作者), Li H* . (2012) Cloning and expression analysis of GmGAL1, SOC1 homolog gene in soybean. Mol Biol Rep. 39: 6967-6974
9. Meng Y, Li H, Zhao T, Zhang C, Lin C, Liu B*(通讯作者). (2012) Transgenic Plants as Gene-Discovery Tools. Transgenic Plants - Advances and Limitations. INTECH. 285-304.
10. Liu B, Zuo Z, Liu H, Liu X, and Lin C. (2011) Arabidopsis cryptochrome 1 interacts with SPA1 to suppress COP1 activity in response to blue light. Genes Dev 25: 1029-1034.
11. Zuo Z§, Liu H§, Liu B§ (共第一作者), Liu X, and Lin C. (2011) Blue light-dependent interaction of CRY2 with SPA1 regulates COP1 activity and floral initiation in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol 21: 841-847.
12. Liu B, Zhong D, Liu H and Lin C.(2010) A search for the photocycle of cryptochrome signaling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 13:578-586
13. Liu B, Chen Z, Song X, Liu C, Cui X, Zhao X, Fang J, Xu W, Zhang H, Wang X, Chu C, Deng X, Xue Y, and Cao X. (2007) Oryza sativa Dicer-like4 Reveals a Key Role for Small Interfering RNA Silencing in Plant Development. Plant Cell 19: 2705-2718
14. Liu B, Li P, Li X, Liu C, Cao S, Chu C, Cao X. (2005) Loss of Function of OsDCL1 Affects MicroRNA Accumulation and Causes Developmental Defects in Rice. Plant Physiology 139: 296-305
1. Zhao Bobin, Yang Zhaohe, Gomez Adam, Liu Bin, Lin Chentao, Oka Yoshito. (2016) Signaling mechanisms of plant cryptochromes in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Plant Res, 129(2):137-148
2. Zou X. Qin Z, Zhang C, Liu B, Liu J, Zhang C, Lin C, Li H, Zhao T.(2015) Over-expression of an S-domain receptor-like kinase extracellular domain improves panicle architecture and grain yield in rice, J Exp Bot, 66 (22):7197-7209.
3. Cui X, Lu F, Li Y, Xue Y, Kang Y, Zhang S, Qiu Q, Zheng S, Liu B, Xu X, Cao X. (2013) Ubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12 and UBP13 act in circadian clock and photoperiodic flowering regulation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 162: 897-906
4. Song X, Li P, Zhai J, Zhou M, Ma L, Liu B, Jeong DH, Nakano M, Cao S, Liu C, Chu C, Wang XJ, Green PJ, Meyers BC, Cao X. (2012) Roles of DCL4 and DCL3b in rice phased small RNA biogenesis. Plant J 69: 462-474
5. Liu, H., Liu, B., Zhao, C., Pepper, M., and Lin, C. (2011). The action mechanisms of plant cryptochromes. Trends Plant Sci 16, 684-691.
6. Zhai J, Liu J, Liu B, Li P, Meyers BC, Chen X, and Cao, X. (2008) Small RNA-directed epigenetic natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet 4(4): e1000056.
7. Zhang W, Yi C, Bao W, Liu B, Cui J, Yu H, Cao X, Gu M, Liu M, Cheng Z. (2005) The Transcribed 165-bp CentO Satellite Is the Major Functional Centromeric Element in the Wild Rice Species Oryza punctata. Plant Physiology 139: 306-315
8. Lu C, Jeong DH, Kulkarni K, Pillay M, Nobuta K, German R, Thatcher SR, Maher C, Zhang L, Ware D, Liu B, Cao X, Meyers BC, and Green PJ. (2008) Genome-wide analysis for discovery of rice microRNAs reveals natural antisense microRNAs (nat-miRNAs). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(12): 4951-4956.
